The newest version of VDMX6 is 1.0.11
Read more about VDMX6
Download VDMX6 Plus 1.0.11
Changes in VDMX6 1.0.11:
- Fixed click region for step sequencer colors
- Fixed advanced output mode wasn't correctly displaying the contents of individual layers under some circumstances
- Fixed crop rect in layer composition controls
- Updated Syphon framework (Fixes a bug that would cause the syphon server published by vdmx to stop working under some limited circumstances)
- Attempts to work around an infinite loop that has something to do with restoring a template
- Hopefully fixes intermittent audio related crash when deleting plugins / new project
- Various minor backend fixes from code audit
Changes in VDMX6 1.0.8:
- Fixes movie trigger on end bug
- Crash that would presumably occur (didn't get a test case) when switching between different ISFs or loading/unloading ISFs under some rare circumstances
- Fix: custom UI items weren't always hiding the "Inspect to make New UI Items" text
- Fixes a crash that could occur when working with local preset UI items under some circumstances
- Fixed a crash that would occur when using some data sources to trigger local presets in media bins
- This fixes a potential NDI audio crash
- Fixed rendering of Color Bars.fs sample ISF on Intel machines
- Hopefully fixes an intermittent movie recorder crash
- Hopefully fixes an intermittent crash on new project
- Other crash fixes
Changes in VDMX6 1.0.7:
- Fixed a potential hang on launch
- Adds built-in VV Rutt Etra effect
- Quartz Composer support now disabled by default: Can be re-enabled in Preferences/Rendering
- Fix: Syphon server renames from TD (and probably other apps) weren't being applied correctly
- Various fixes to intermittent audio related crashes
- Fixes a potential crash on launch, and other potential related crashes
- Blur Faces fix for macOS12 & 13
- Movie Recorder now has a low disk space warning at 25 GB. Recording is halted when drive is below 15 GB.
- Fixed a bug where some kinds of lines weren't drawing correctly in some UIs.
- Fixed a bug where movie recorder plugins did not properly disconnect from audio input devices.
- Fixes a potential leak when using TouchDesigner.
- Fixes a crash when attempting to allocate textures with invalid dimensions.
- Various other fixes from infrequent / odd crash logs.
Changes in VDMX6 1.0.5:
- Fixes a minor regression in VDMX6 1.0.4 when receiving certain Syphon feeds.
Changes in VDMX6 1.0.4:
- Added Blur & Pixellate Faces FX: Obscure detected faces using a blur or pixellate effect. Can be reversed to blur / pixellate the background.
- Added Remove Background FX: Uses Person Segmentation to remove the area behind detected people in an image.
- Added Face Overlay FX: Draws a secondary image input over detected faces.
- Added QR Code Generator source and QR Code Overlay effect.
- Movie Recorder now has a "Drive full" error when low on disk space.
- Syphon Output plugins can be smaller.
- Fix: Some ISFs (eg 3d rotate) had undefined image data in their "background" in some circumstances.
- Fix: Dragging CoreImage filters from one layer to another caused incorrect output.
- Fix: Some CoreImage parameters did not user their proper display names in generators / filters.
- Fixes a potential audio analysis crash when attempting to access a channel from a device beyond the channel count.
- Updates Syphon.framework to fix a crash under some circumstances.
- Various other crash and bug fixes.
Changes in VDMX6 1.0.3:
- Fix: LUT-based image filters were incorrectly flipping images under some circumstances.
- Fix: "Default" comp modes were multiplying under some circumstances.
- Fix: QC-based image filters were flipped under some circumstances.
- Fix: incorrect plugin type was listed for TouchDesigner-based plugins.
- Fixed a hang when attempting to delete multiple layers simultaneously.
- Fixed a relatively rare crash when loading project files.
- Fixed a crash when control-dragging from a Cue List plugin to sliders for making data-source assignments.
- Fixed a rare crash when file menus were refreshing.
- Attempts to work around a relatively rare crash when disabling Syphon outputs.
Changes in VDMX6 1.0.2:
- File menu now has an option to show the current project in the Finder.
- The timecode plugin can now publish the current time of day.
- Minor fix to default timecode plugin fps.
- Minor media bin page sidebar color change.
- Fixed bug with drawing media bin with names only mode.
- Fixed relative media file links in demo project.
- Fixed a crash when trying to inspect a missing ISF generator file.
- Fixed a potential crash when a Clock plugin is deleted while doing BPM detection.
- Fixed a crash when sampling colors in Preview Windows under some circumstances.
- Fixed creating thumbnails for workspace presets when the canvas was an odd width.
- Fixed a crash with Video to DMX when the width was not a multiple of 4.
- Fixed an intermittent crash when UI elements were being removed from their views.
- Fixed an intermittent flicker with TouchDesigner image inputs.
- Fixed a potential memory leak when using TouchDesigner compositions.
Changes in VDMX6 1.0.1:
- Fixed a potential hang on launch
- Fixed an undo / redo related memory leak
- Fixed a potential hang when triggering files very quickly
- Fixed a potential crash when working with TouchDesigner comps
- Fixed a potential crash when loading app icons for window capture inputs
- Fixed a potential crash when browsing folders in the File Browser window
- Fixed a TouchDesigner loading / unloading comps bug
- Fix, copy phase for select images wasn't finishing properly in TouchDesigner comps
- Fixed a potential crash on audio output if device settings changed while in use
- Fix: changing "Favorite" asset categories wasn't "sticking"
- Fix: column width in File Inspector was stuck narrow
- Minor tool tip fixes
- Other minor fixes
Changes in VDMX6 1.0.0:
- Official release of VDMX6 and VDMX6 Plus!!
Changes in VDMX6 b0.21.0:
- Media bin themes can now include a background color for cells with loaded media!
- Minor updates to 4 Layer VJ Starter template.
- Fix, sometimes frames were being output upside-down from BlackMagic outputs
- Adds a pop-up button for picking the physical connection site (SDI, HDMI, Component, etc) to both the Blackmagic output plugin inspector and the Blackmagic input inspector
- Adds support for internal and external keying (if the selected BlackMagic device supports it), including a key level slider
- Misc fixes for small bugs
- Change: Layer FX window titles no longer include the last-added asset
- Adds animation to status indicator in bug reporter
- Fix: clicking on preview windows/main output sends colors to color pickers again
- Change: tearing a tab off a window will result in a new window with the same dimensions as the original
- Fix: if the UI inspector isn't open, clicking "Inspect" in data source mappings window will open it
- Change in how and where windows are first opened: When the new window position is calculated, the location of the UI inspector window is taken into account, if it looks like it will overlap the newly opened plugin, the plugin's moved so it won't be obscured.
- Adds a warning for pre-Ventura system
- Fix: receivers on master presets weren't showing up in data source mappings window
- Fix: demo project windows were overlapping the menu bar
- Fix: some comp modes weren't converting from v5 projects
- Added option to clear thumbnail cache to the Preferences > Files
- Clicks in the background of windows more consistently uninspect UI items
- If there is at least one audio analysis plugin, the raw audio and audio FFT receivers will automatically select the first one from the list. This way audio reactive ISF compositions aren't doing nothing when they are loaded.
- Fix: clicks on UI items that aren't visible for various reasons more consistently "fall through" to the window behind them (this results in more consistent UI item uninspecting behavior)
Changes in VDMX6 b0.20.0:
- The position of layers/plugins the first time they're opened has changed and should always be near the interaction point that spawned the window
- Attempts to make plugins/layers land more reliably in the same tab when opened
- Updated some themes to round the corners, added a theme
- Fixes to various UI drawing bugs
- Improved support for ISFs that don't compile
- Added mouseover tooltip on the yellow warning triangle displayed in the asset browser for VidFX- the tooltip explains that clicking the yellow triangle will show the file in the Finder.
- Media files iles that don't work for whatever reason can now provide a description string that provides more information to the user. Eg if an ISF generator fails to compile, or a Vuo composition that does not have the correct protocol.
- Loading an ISF that fails to compile- either as a source or FX- results in a clickable warning triangle where the UI for the corresponding asset would normally be shown. Clicking it shows the error log in the Finder- the button has a tooltip that explains this on mouseover.
- Asset Mgr reloads ISF assets that have been modified
- Fixes a bug that was causing errors when calculating the layer size/position- manifests as small errors in x/y and width/height sliders in layer "Size & Pos" controls
- Fixes a bug wherein presets and templates made on a setup with a "skinny" menu bar would trigger under the menu bar on setups with a "fat" menu bar. These changes are made automatically during project conversion when updating v5 projects to v6. Changes are also made to projects made by existing private betas, but are only done so manually (you must trigger and then update each preset).
- Fixes for color and flippedness bugs on the Metal <-> OpenGL texture exchange, affecting both Vuo and TouchDesigner
- Fix- NDI frames could be upside-down under some circumstances
- Fixes to NDI sending and receiving
- Fix for NDI audio receiving in some cases
- Fixes bug with NDI crop settings
- Fix: NumFX chains were saving in the wrong place
- Fix: Rearranging contents of NumFX chains was broken
- Renamed 'templates'->'VDMX6 templates'
- Fixed a regression where disk based files weren't being refreshed on when they changed on disk.
- Fixed a handful of places that called the Workspace Inspector the Workspace Manager for consisitency.
- Minor changes to media bin drawing
- Various crash fixes
Changes in VDMX6 b0.19.0:
- ISF compiler errors are now logged to disk. Logs can be found in ~/Library/Application Support/VDMX/ISFBinCache/ErrorLogs/
- Fix: The main fader wasn't working if 'skip canvas render' was enabled.
- Fix: Some TouchDesigner comps weren't being properly parsed.
- Fix: Some TouchDesigner menus weren't populating properly.
- TouchDesigner cache now clears whenever there is a difference in the file.
- Fixed regression: NDI fps throttle works again.
- Fixed regression: NDI audio output works.
- Fix: VDMX no longer allows for resolutions that exceed hardware limitations.
- Fixed a rare potential crash when generating ISF interfaces.
- Fixed a crash on launch when certain ISFs failed to compile or translate to MSL.
Changes in VDMX6 b0.17.0:
- First private beta release!!!
- Minor registration fix
Changes in VDMX6 b0.16.0:
- Fullscreen output windows now cover everything behind them, including menubars and alert windows
- Various bug fixes
Changes in VDMX6 b0.14.0:
- Additional ISF resources
- Lots of bug fixes
Changes in VDMX6 b0.1.0:
- Updated rendering engine from OpenGL to Metal
- Replaced Waveclock with new BPM detection algorithm, runs natively on Intel & arm64
- New themes and UI revisions
- Added support for Touch Designer (.tox) files in VDMX6 Plus
- Added support for HAPR (aka HAP7A)
- BlackMagic Output plugin now supports audio output
- Directly use iPhone cameras & AppleTVs on local network as camera inputs
- Updates to apps and sample docs in Extras folder